About Mind the Data
MindtheData - Creating a data protection culture among SME’s’, is a European project co funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Commission. It is a project that aims to support European SME’s (small and medium-sized enterprises) compliance procedures in respect to the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
By providing a set of tools, accessible and sustainable by professionals practicing data protection procedures and organizations alike, the Project wishes to help European SME’s to fully integrate within their organizational culture, holistically, the principles of data protection mainly as a beneficial tool and not as a strictly-set compliance element.
Seeing beyond the ‘compliance-or-penalty’ notion, GDPR can be exploited by SME’s in various ways. For example, providing innovative ways of using data, developing in-company policies that lead to transparency and client trust, empowering businesses by gaining faithful consumers and above all creating a culture shift on ‘how to do business’.
The project will develop a set of online training material, in 5 languages (English, Bulgarian, Greek, Polish and Spanish). The material can be used by business consultants, trainers/coaches in business & entrepreneurship, HR consultants/professionals, management/strategy/operations and marketing consultants and business owners, covering areas of: data protection framework for EU’s digital economy and society and the new SME’s environment, GDPR strategy based on SME’s activities and training material for consultants.
Target Groups
The primary target group of the project are:
― SME’s business consultants and organizations― business coaches
― Chambers of Commerce
― VET trainers/organizations in business management, HR consultants, strategy/operations and marketing consultants
Secondary target groups are indicatively as follows:
― SME’s and their key persons (owners, decision-makers, managers, IT experts, employees in SME’s)― SME representative bodies
― Standardization consultants and companies
Who is implementing Mind the Data
Five EU countries are represented in the Project through seven organizations in Bulgaria, Greece, Spain, Poland and Cyprus. The expertise mix of the partnership (SME consulting, VET, standardization & quality assurance, SME) account for a high quality, cross-fertilizing approach and training interventions for SME’s drawing from diverse contexts both at national as well as intracompany, organizational level.